MicroStars figures came with player ratings under the base which were used when playig the World Club League (WCL) game. Corinthian were constantly asked to produce some form of display stand for their figures, Corinthian combined the need for a display stand with their WCL game and the MicroDome was born.
The Corinthian MicroStars MicroDome is a carry case which opens up to reveal a pitch with markings for playing the WCL, along with some stands to display the figures, as if they were a crowd watching the game.
The MicroDome was a very popular item with collector's, it's only drawback was that it is very heavy which largely prevented collectors outside the UK for acquiring one, unless they were prepared to pay the high shipping costs.
Corinthian released different versions of the MicroStars MicroDome, which often came with exclusive figures, all versions are detailed here.